12 HIGHER DERIVATIVES 179 5. (a) Let / be a strictly increasing continuous function in an interval [0, a], such that /(O) = 0; let g be the inverse mapping, which is continuous and strictly increasing in the [a /»/(fl) interval [0,/(a)]. Show that /(/) dt = (a - g(u)) du (apply Problem 4 to the func- Jo Jo tion equal to 1 for 0 ^ x ^ a, 0 ^ y 0, for x ^ 0, y^Q, p>!9 q>\9 - + -=1, p q a > 0, b > 0 and (pa)q(qb)p ^ 1 . 12. HIGHER DERIVATIVES Suppose / is a continuously differentiable mapping of an open subset A of a Banach space E into a Banach space F. Then D/is a continuous mapping of A into the Banach space ££(E; F). If that mapping is diiferen- tiable at a point XQ e A (resp. in A), we say that/is twice differentiable at x0 (resp. in A), and the derivative of D/ at XQ is called the second derivative of /at*0» and written//r(x0) or D2/(x0). This is an element of <£(E; ^(E; F)); but we have seen (5.7.8) that this last space is naturally identified with the space J&?(E, E;F) (written jSf2(E; F)) of continuous bilinear mappings of E x E into F: we recall that this is done by identifying u e &(E; &(E; F)) to the bilinear mapping (s,t)'-*(u-s)-t; this last element will also be written u • (s, t). (8.12.1) Suppose f is twice differentiable at XQ; then, for any fixed ZeE, the derivative of the mapping x-+Df(x) - t of A into F, at the point XQ, is If we observe that x -» Df(x) - 1 is composed of the linear mapping u -» u - 1 of y (E ; F) into F and of the mapping x -+ D/(JC) of E into JSP (E ; F) the result follows from (8.2.1) and (8.1.3).